Typing monkey

Internal corporate blogs - the new Web 2.0 Intranet 4.0 Tool 12.0 - can play a legitimate communications role in a business. However, they pose a substantial risk to the firm’s internal brand. The people blogging should be leaders and subject matter experts. When the blog content is meandering and, worse, poorly written, the firm’s internal brand suffers. You don’t want to let staff think that a bunch of monkeys run the place (especially if a bunch of monkeys run the place).

When someone’s writing is made of hackneyed phrases, bullshit business jargon, malapropisms, pre-teen IM abbreviations, and smiley icons, it does not speak to his competence or intelligence, “irregardless” of his competence or intelligence. This is as much a function of a lack of standards as it is a total failure of our education system to teach students how to write.

Corporate blogs reveal how much writing ability suffers in an email saturated environment.