Apparently law school can’t teach you how to research an answer, read, or reach a conclusion.
I counted the comments on Eugene Volokh’s post about what it means to be a natural born citizen, especially with regard to John McCain who was born in the Panama Canal Zone, and stopped counting after 50. The third comment included the answer; John McCain is a natural born U.S. citizen because 8 USC 1401(c) clearly states - in the clearest language you will find in U.S. law - that you are a natural born citizen irrespective of your birthplace if both of your parents are U.S. citizens and one of them has had prior residence in the U.S. (this clause to prevent the creation of a diaspora of citizens whose parents nor themselves ever lived in the U.S.).
And yet - AND YET - allegedly educated people post an additional 50 comments arguing about the status of the Canal Zone and whining that “there is no Supreme Court precedent.” I’ve got a healthy suggestion…