Here you can find all my previous posts:
Voluntary Tax Payments & Tax Policy - February 21, 2017
The news is noise. Obviously - June 6, 2016
Language rules as enablers of evil - June 5, 2016
Social Surveillance - May 1, 2013
The expectations of 'can' - June 3, 2012
Web Finance: Past and Future - November 27, 2011
The Rise of New Colonial Farming - November 22, 2009
Popper on Health Care Reform - August 27, 2009
The Genesis of the Vegetarian Diet - August 20, 2009
I saved the dodo bird and all I got was this lousy tshirt - August 20, 2009
Limited Upside and Healthcare IT Innovation - July 23, 2009
Screw you, median voter - July 8, 2009
Medicinal marijuana and social media - May 8, 2009
Imagining a fearful future - March 8, 2009
Campaign finance distortions and the size of Congress - a thought - February 23, 2009
Is salaried overtime theft? - February 21, 2009
Child Poverty by US State - January 18, 2009
Blog Fail and Social Media as a form of post-modern psychic masturbation - January 15, 2009
NCAA football by the numbers - December 14, 2008
Dude, where's my Congressionally subsidized car? - December 8, 2008
Lessons in design from developing world cookery - December 7, 2008
No, Twitter isn't for everyone - December 3, 2008
Loose credit, by land or by air - November 29, 2008
Heart-strings trip up rational giving - November 29, 2008
Terry McAuliffe will 'create jobs' - cold fusion next? - November 11, 2008
Let no one mourn the newspaper - November 6, 2008
The Department of The Totally Unsurprised - November 3, 2008
Thank Yahoo, Google, and Facebook for The Wire and Mad Men - October 16, 2008
A little story about everyday computing - October 16, 2008
Traffic: a lesson in general human interaction - September 30, 2008
The banking crisis and what to do (in 5 minutes) - September 18, 2008
Lawmakers crack down on salvia - September 9, 2008
Do what is best for the USG - September 9, 2008
Why does jargon corrupt meaning? - September 3, 2008
Safety versus the feeling of safety - July 28, 2008
Drop your ideals and plan with messy reality - July 28, 2008
Lock in airfare with ticket options - July 1, 2008
Bush le gusta a "Reparar el Muro" - June 27, 2008
Harris Telemacher, threat advisor - June 27, 2008
What happens when we provide too many instructions - June 24, 2008
TSA: They need to ask the questions - June 11, 2008
Management Advice in Everything: Marketing Yourself - June 9, 2008
Bush Lied? - June 9, 2008
Whom to bankrupt with defense spending? - June 4, 2008
Clip Art as a hammer - May 28, 2008
Thinking about bottlenecks and institutions - May 14, 2008
How accurate are your weather forecasts? Or your economic forecasts? - April 28, 2008
Crammed with sexual predators - April 23, 2008
Testing architectural designs in virtual spaces - April 16, 2008
I don't understand advocacy of the death penalty - April 8, 2008
"In regards to" your corporate blog - April 2, 2008
Commitment options - March 31, 2008
Bum Dollars - March 28, 2008
Tightening the Kill Chain - March 27, 2008
UnREAL - March 24, 2008
Expensive coal, cheap electricity? - March 20, 2008
Woolsey on energy and the Middle East - March 13, 2008
Microsoft Lookout!!! - March 4, 2008
What law school can't teach you - February 29, 2008
Computers learn intensionally - February 28, 2008
Area weathermen get rained on - February 22, 2008
Marching orders in knowledge work - February 21, 2008
Distinguishing between believers and beliefs - February 20, 2008
Thoughts on duplicating success - February 14, 2008
The best Microsoft product? - February 14, 2008
Rational voting strategy - February 13, 2008
If Web 2.0 is all about user generated content and interaction... - February 11, 2008
Business cults: project management - February 4, 2008
The accidental purposes of jargon - January 31, 2008
What would it look like if a bank designed its branches like its website? - January 30, 2008
Tuesday's Sentence 'o the Day (Jan 29th) - January 29, 2008
Monday's Sentence o' the Day (Jan 28th) - January 29, 2008
The Government Sucks At Branding - January 24, 2008
No Wonder Investor Confidence is Low - January 22, 2008
Misspoken Friday - January 18, 2008
Jargon SMACK-down Thursday! - January 17, 2008
Maudlin and Ineffectual - January 15, 2008
Obesity now a lifestyle choice... with butter! - January 11, 2008
Fire Sale! Your House, For Sale! - January 11, 2008
Sometimes I computer at work - January 10, 2008
First World Obestiy and Income - January 9, 2008
Morning programming - January 7, 2008
Do I look like a modem? - January 7, 2008
Godin says Overdeliver - January 4, 2008
Culture: Reputation and Training - December 31, 2007
And tigers, oh my! - December 27, 2007
Resolving to fail - December 26, 2007
Marginal Resolutions - December 26, 2007
The Chain-Email Heuristic - December 21, 2007
Experimental Economics in Virtual Worlds - December 21, 2007
Giuliani Starring in Warner Bros. Movie? - December 20, 2007
RIP, Kermit the Frog - December 19, 2007
Employees as an asset, where's the CRM? - December 19, 2007
Braille Signs - December 19, 2007
Leverage alert - December 6, 2007
Narratives in business - December 4, 2007
Jargon Tuesday - December 4, 2007
Misspoken, part one - December 3, 2007
An exercise in bias - December 3, 2007
100 posts and a goal - December 3, 2007
Trade offs - December 2, 2007
Jargon Thursday! - November 8, 2007
Nature Intended! - November 7, 2007
Evolve: do use the passive voice - November 7, 2007
This is the song that never ends! - November 6, 2007
Additional jargon selections - October 26, 2007
Jargon abroad - October 25, 2007
What would you rather have? - October 23, 2007
Fallacy o' the day - October 23, 2007
Do we jargon because we cache? - October 23, 2007
The Poverty of Intuition - October 19, 2007
More crappy jargon - October 11, 2007
Meetings and social grooming - October 11, 2007
The ultimatum game as monkey business - October 10, 2007
Neckties and decorative shutters - October 9, 2007
Envy and zero-sum games - October 9, 2007
Trade and nation states - October 4, 2007
Stultifying words (jargon, continued) - October 2, 2007
Missing articles, prepositions, what it mean? - October 2, 2007
Morning musings - September 28, 2007
Culture shock, corporate version - July 24, 2007
The light bulb farm - July 10, 2007
Facebook + job hunt - July 9, 2007
Thoughts on The Myth of the Rational Voter (i) - June 28, 2007
Efficient learning vs. effective learning - June 28, 2007
Justice Roberts is a brilliant ninny - June 26, 2007
Web technology innovations - June 25, 2007
Something's wrong in Chicago - June 22, 2007
Failure -> introspection - June 21, 2007
Corporate wiki adoption - June 21, 2007
Reading The Black Swan; notes & thoughts (ii) - June 18, 2007
Extensible products are winning - June 18, 2007
Life advice II - June 15, 2007
Laws hindering innovation - June 15, 2007
Reading The Black Swan; notes & thoughts (i) - June 12, 2007
Meetings and Walking - June 12, 2007
Sanitized Society and Node Distance - June 4, 2007
Afghan joke - May 16, 2007
Recycling: a third step - May 14, 2007
Traffic as a game - March 27, 2007
Retail/market paradigm shifts - March 1, 2007
Is Baumol’s cost disease wrong? - March 1, 2007
Project management in the kitchen - February 27, 2007
Managing by feedback - February 22, 2007
How do colony based species evolve? - February 22, 2007
QOTD - February 21, 2007
The Freedom to Suck It Up? - February 8, 2007
Money Lies - February 7, 2007
Are small business contracting set asides a racket? Part 1? - December 27, 2006
Organized musings - December 18, 2006
Foreign conscience? - December 13, 2006
Feminism jokes - November 28, 2006
Our goals and way of life - November 21, 2006
Le Universitat - November 21, 2006
Nice - November 17, 2006
Civil society and the dynamism of contemporary liberal society - November 11, 2006
Election Day Analysis - November 8, 2006
War Lies Torture Corruption - November 7, 2006
The malleable institution of marriage - October 27, 2006
The Bible in the classroom - October 27, 2006
Corporate Governance & Principal-Agent Problems - October 1, 2006
Initial thoughts on Rothbard and War - September 21, 2006
Information Asymmetry - September 7, 2006
Idle Money - September 5, 2006
Rights and Wrongs - April 10, 2006
Amen! - April 3, 2006
Jargonomics (first post, more expected) - April 1, 2006
Property Values - March 30, 2006
Family structures - November 18, 2005
Anchor - July 22, 2005